Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break

It's approaching bedtime on the eve of going back to work after a wonderful week of spring break and all I can think about is how many days I have left until summer. We didn't do much and we didn't go far, but we had a memorable week spending time as a family. We spent time with grandparents in CR, enjoyed the warmer weather going on walks, shopped at Tanger, basked in all the glory of March Madness and watched the Panthers make it to the Sweet Sixteen.

I also spent many hours making baby food to store in the freezer for the upcoming months. It was so fun and easy! I made peas, green beans, squash, carrots, and blueberries. I also made my own rice cereal and froze it all in ice cube trays in our deep freeze, next to the gallons of milk I've stored. (At least Sage will be taken care of in the event of a major natural disaster!!)

Here are a few photos of the little Sage-a-roni.

Please? :)


My new hair is finally growing in! I look like a fuzzy ducky.
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  1. Look at those blue eyes! What a sweetie! I've gotta meet this little one!

  2. I think you need a backup battery pack in the case of a natural disaster. I would flip if something happened to your freezer! Love the little ducky :)
