Thursday, March 18, 2010


We recently got a flip camera and have had fun trying to capture the little things that Sage does on a daily basis that make us smile.

Sage loves to tell stories. When she gets really serious, she will flare up her nostrils to get her point across. Here she seems to say "hi" at about the third word or so. :)

She often shrieks or squeals...

And she loves to laugh! Although you sometimes have to work for it. :)

Here is Sage's latest sound. She tends to do it over and over when she is supposed to be putting herself to sleep or first thing in the morning when she wakes up. She's such a happy baby. :)


  1. She is so cute! I love the videos. I need to figure out how to put some on my blog. I hope you enjoyed your week home with her. 52 school days until summer :)

  2. oh my!! she reminds me a lot of Madelyn! They make all the same noises! The 3rd one down is by FAR my favorite, I love baby giggles!! Its always worth all the work, even if its just a little giggle! :)
