Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Super Sage

We are currently in that awkward phase of transitioning from two naps to one nap every day. On the weekend, we generally end up with one, because this is how the first nap goes. :) (However, today at daycare, she took a five hour nap... maybe if she would sleep through the night, she wouldn't be sooooo tired--teething stinks!)

Sage also continues to be quite the eater; contrary to her BFF, Claire. Here Sage is trying to catch Claire up to speed.

Aside from the merry-go-round salad spinner, the entire Tupperware cupboard, our Bosu ball, and her new golf clubs from Grandpa, Sage can be entertained for great periods of time just climbing around like a monkey. Don't mind the pant-less Wonder; it's hard to keep her clothes on her these days.

Gotta love her... :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Break: Day 1

Day one of Spring Break and we're already having a blast together. :) Sage is definitely a fan of pudding finger paint!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So Silly

Unexpected Visitor

Today I had the best surprise ever... Johnni stopped by my classroom, totally unexpected!! I've never had a visitor in five years, so it was great to see her face peer around the corner. It's not that she had planned to come visit me, but I was a total idiot and told her the wrong garage code (which I blame on sleep-deprivation since she kept me up all night chatting). She didn't want to leave the door up, so she let herself out the front door, but then didn't know where to put the key. She tried to text me, to no avail. After a few more problem-solving tactics, she was able to track me down as to where I worked and voila--an unexpected visit.

It was actually kind of nice for my students to put a face to the name because they've heard a lot about Johnni and Joella, but also about Matt, during our last inquiry unit on heroes.

Sorry, Johnni!! I guess that's what good friends are for! :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Well, it's been a few weeks since my last post, so here are a few pictures of what Sage has been up to lately. I've been trying to put up her crazy hair into pig tails or barrettes, but every time I do, she immediately pulls them out. Believe it or not, but when her hair is wet, she actually has beautiful curls. Then it dries...

She still loves crawling into cupboards. I cleaned out a cupboard in the family room today so that we could store all of her extra toys out of view. She took it as an invitation to explore. We just can't get enough of the funny things she does on a daily basis that make Ross and I look at each other and shake our heads. Sage sure has a mind of her own and she's ALWAYS on the go! She is growing up way too fast.