Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where does the time go?

Sage is a week old already...hard to believe! I am constantly amazed at how fast the days go by. I am not ready for Ross (nor is he) to go back to work. However, we are extremely fortunate for the time that we have gotten to spend together getting to know our baby girl.

Here are a few more pictures of Sage--by request of Grandma.

Tummy Time--Although not too enthusiastic about it... :)

Sunbathing with my Biliblanket because I'm a little jaundiced.

Hanging out with Uncle Josh in our game day gear. Go Hawks!

Curled up with Aunt Sheila.

(A bit fuzzy)...but happy Daddy just gave me a bath after I projectile vomited all over Mommy.

Daddy entertained my cousin, Ben, while his mom, Aunt Jill, cuddled with me.


  1. She has her peepers open!! :) Thanks for posting more pictures...keep 'em comin'!

  2. A big huge congratulations Ross and Amber!! We are so excited for you, Sage is absolutely adorable!!

    Ben and Chelsa

  3. She's a beauty! I love all her hair. can't wait to get to smell it! mmmm baby hair.

    You'd think I'd have my baby fix from photographing newborns, but I try to keep it classy and professional and not smell the clients' children :)
