Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Three months to go!

This picture was taken a week ago, already. It makes us laugh pretty hard. Pregnancy is such an amazing time in your life with so many changes! I look forward to the next three months.
Frank has been extremely active lately, mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep. :) I've found that I can get up and read for a little while until he settles down and then I can sleep. Ross has also been able to feel and see him move on a regular basis, which has been a lot of fun as well.

I start back to work next week. After a busy summer of classes and packed weekends, I am ready... although I'm definitely going to miss sleeping in. That's always the hardest adjustment! I'm hoping that getting back to work will make the days pass more quickly until Maria arrives.

Matt and Lauren had a baby girl, Claire Elizabeth, on August 1st. She's absolutely adorable! We are so excited to have "play dates" in the future. As Lauren says, Claire can also show Baby Mort the ropes... (even though Baby Mort may not take long to surpass her on the growth charts!) :)


  1. holy cow! are you sure you're not having more than 1? must be the camera angle. LOOKS GREAT! I think we need to hang out soon, it feels like it has been a really long time since i've seen you guys!

  2. i love the name Claire... you should definitely show some pics! :)

    i also like how you trade off calling baby Frank and Maria ;)

  3. I think Frank/Maria will be a boy! So excited for you!!! - chelsa

  4. Cute and round :) Things have definitely changed since I saw you last! I can't believe you're going back to work already... time is flying by.

  5. Hi!
    I just had to comment...my Ross found your blog by accident when he typed ours in backwards - we're rossandamber.blogspot.com. :)I had to say hello to another Amber and Ross, couldn't resist.
    Congratulations on your baby, the time flys by so fast!

