Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Man Overboard! (And wife and baby too!)

I will take full credit for this one! Ross and I decided to take Mustard Millie (as I refer to her) out on the Raccoon River after work last night. We should have taken it as a sign for the events to come when I almost let Ross back the Taurus onto the dock. He would have, too, if it were not for a nice onlooker yelling at him to stop. (I was too busy making sure the boat didn't hit the dock.)

So after a ridiculously difficult rigging and departure from the dock, Ross told me to take the tiller and steer while he adjusted the main sail. Like I knew what the h--- I was doing!! Within five minutes...and I kid you not, I had capsized Mustard Millie. Both of us dumped into the water, along with all of our belongings.

The next five minutes were a blur as I panicked (almost seven months pregnant) swimming alongside of the boat watching Ross get it upright again. He succeeded, but we had no way of getting the two feet of water out of our boat, except for manually scooping it out by hand. No, we were not successful. It was miserable.

I told Ross that twenty years from now we would look back and laugh at the whole thing, but it didn't take nearly that long. We were laughing and pointing out how utterly ridiculous the whole situation was ten minutes later (after I had declared that I would never go sailing again and that I was sorry about fifty times). At one point the park ranger/security guy had even tried to wave us to shore to lend us a five gallon bucket to bail water, but in fear that we would get beached, we had to turn him down and head for the dock still water-logged.

***In addition, Ross discredits Warren for teaching me ANYTHING about sailing growing up and that I have absolutely no intelligence in regards to physics. :) :) :)

I think I will stick to "manning the jib" in future outings...after Baby Mort is here!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am laughing pretty hard down here. Good post! Wish we had a video of you guys on that one.
