Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Drew is helmet-free! We went for a routine appointment on Monday and decided that the helmet had done it's job. It was starting to really put a lot of pressure on his cheek bones and in order to prevent facial asymmetry from occurring, we decided to remove Drew's helmet for good. We are very happy with the progress that it has made. Over the next couple of months Drew's head will continue to round out on it's own. I find myself trying to snuggle with him at every opportunity possible now that there's not a plastic shield in between. I've already appreciated the lack of head-butts.

Drew is quite reckless and got used to being able to roll around and slam down on the floor head-first because his helmet always broke his landing. He's had to figure it out the hard way that he can't always dive to the ground head-first these days. :) He is also harder to find at pick up from daycare because we were so used to spotting his helmet! Now we can just look for his red hair! :) Hard to believe that he will turn one next week...


  1. One next week?!?!?! Where has the time gone. I'm going to give Brad and Mollie strict instructions to tell me next time you're in town! Oh, and YAY for freedom!

  2. You two have some great looking kids! Amber, you'd make a great pediatrician, you know more about these things then I do. Miss you guys.
