Sunday, December 18, 2011

Keeping Busy

Ross told me the other day that he expected our life would be different with two kids, but he didn't realize how different it really would be. We are so thankful and we are enjoying every minute! Here is what we have been up to lately. :)

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  1. When did you find time to make smoke and build gingerbread houses?!? Can I get a 'SUPER-MOM' anyone?

  2. P.S. Also glad you've converted now to babywearing! :)

  3. You get more done with 2 kids than I do with zero! Looks like lots of fun! Merry Christmas!

  4. i'm realizing as a general comment that you, amber, are amazing super mommy :) I'm looking forward to lessons someday when we return! i love seeing your little family grow! we miss you guys, lots of love from espana!
