Monday, August 29, 2011


Our daycare provider does a great job keeping us updated through email on Sage's daily adventures and all of her loving quirks. Here are a few of the emails that she has sent us over the past couple of weeks:


"...You are aware where our bathroom, someone was in the potty, door shut. And here is what was heard and learned: Sage knows "Toot-Toot" as a proper verb and then she claps and yells "yay!!!" like when she goes potty. We have our very own potty cheer section!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!"


"She CAME and got me and said POOPY and we ran and she pooed in the potty! We totally celebrated big time. Soon as we were done cleaning hands and drying, she ran out to Oliver and said "POOOPY POOPYY YAAAAY!!!" and High-fived him (then he thought she was pushing, fell down and cried llloooollll!!!!)."


"She just "SHhhhhUUUUUsssshed" me with her finger to her mouth. I was singing. I actually snorted coffee out my nose."

...Oh, Sager...

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