Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting in a Groove

Since Galena I've felt like we're really getting into a solid routine with summer and we're having so much fun! Every day we have lots of cuddles and laughs and plenty of time playing pretend and being silly. Drew has taken on his identity in our family as the comedian, while Sage can be quite the mother hen. Sage gets to do daily projects with me during Drew's nap time and then she has quiet time herself. She hasn't really napped at home in at least six months, but she actually looks forward to her quiet time each day. Most days she does fall asleep, but just the other day she watched me do yard work from her bedroom window for over an hour. She was happy--I was happy, it was great!!!

All of a sudden laundry has been piling up faster than usual because the kids can go through three or four outfits a day. Now I've learned to just let them run around in as minimal clothing as possible, so when they dig in the sandbox, help plant flowers, or mulch the yard, I can just hose them off.  Drew also thinks he's a big boy now so he has boycotted the baby swings and prefers the big kid swings.

We try to have at least one outting a day--the splash park, zoo, Target, a park, etc. I find that if we don't get out in the morning, then the days tend to drag. Plus, getting them out and running wears them out for nap time!  Today we made a day trip to Matt and Lauren's in Swaledale for some good ol' family farming experience. Upon our arrival I told Lauren that we saw a combine on the way in--to which she informed me that I actually didn't because it's not harvest time and that's the only time that I would see a combine. I'm pretty sure that she gets a kick out of my ignorance about farm life, but I'm slowly learning. Sage did get to sit in a combine while she was there and also up in a tractor. Lauren told her all about corn and bean heads, augers, grain bins and dryers, etc. (Hopefully I got all of those terms right, Lauren). and Drew just followed suit, like a little duckling along the way. He was in his element on the farm and could play with the kitties all day. 

This weekend we are taking a family vacation to Omaha. The fun never stops!


Unused trash can turned clothes hamper.

 We surprised Ross with a Nerf gun battle when he got home from work, just before Father's Day.

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